The new Subchapter V of Chapter 11 became effective on February 19, 2020. Designed to streamline reorganizations for small businesses, the new Subchapter V has proven very popular. The Final Report of the American Bankruptcy Institute ABI Task Force (the
Thompson Coburn
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Latest from Thompson Coburn
Supreme Court Avoids Discovery Rule Fight in Copyright Lawsuit
If You Choose Not to Decide, You Still Have Made a ChoiceThe Copyright Act’s three-year limitation period doesn’t limit damages to the three years before suit is filed. And in parts of the country, it currently doesn’t require you to…
Fifteen Attorneys General Ask Congress Not to Replace State Privacy Laws With Federal Law
In a May 8, 2024, letter signed by the attorneys general of 14 other states, California Attorney General Rob Bonta urged Congress not to pass a version of the American Privacy Rights Act (APRA) that would preempt state consumer privacy…
Title IX Rule: Key Changes and Next Steps for Institutions

On April 29, 2024, the US Department of Education published its final Title IX rule in the Federal Register. In our second HigherEdReg Rundown, Scott Goldschmidt provides
preliminary analysis on the new rule. He discusses key differences between the current…
U.S. Department of Education Issues New Guidance on Implementation of Program Length Regulations

On April 15, 2024, the U.S. Department of Education (“Department”) issued new guidance regarding the implementation of the program length restrictions for Gainful Employment (“GE”) programs. These restrictions are included in the Department’s Financial Responsibility, Administrative Capability, Certification Procedures and…
Title IX (Joe’s Version) Dropped This Morning
We interrupt your Tortured Poets Department** listening party to inform you that the Biden administration has released its long awaited Title IX rules. The new rules, published this morning in unofficial form, will be formally published in the Federal…
ED’s Latest Financial Value Transparency/Gainful Employment Guidance
BIPA Update: Illinois Is One Step Closer to Amending How Damages Accrue under BIPA!
The Illinois Senate recently passed legislation by a 46-13 vote that would significantly amend the Illinois Biometric Information Privacy Act (“BIPA”).[1] Senate Bill 2979 (“SB2979’),
which Senate President Pro Tempore William Cunningham introduced, includes a significant benefit to corporations,…
Borrower Defense to Repayment (BDR) Round-Up
Senate Leader
party’s chief spokesperson and coordinator of legislative strategies and
priorities in the Senate. The Natural The
Constitution does not establish leader positions in the Senate. The role of
leader is separate from the Constitutionally required
Senate president
pro tempore, who…