In Episode 144, Kelly Twigger discusses the latest decision on hyperlinked files in discovery and whether a party who agreed to provide them and later determined they could not meet that obligation, is subject to sanctions for violating the ESI
Hyperlinks Are Not the Same as Traditional Attachments, Court Rules: eDiscovery Case Law
In the case In re Insulin Pricing Litig., New Jersey Magistrate Judge Rukhsanah L. Singh ruled on several contested ESI issues in connection with the parties’ respective proposed ESI Protocols including hyperlinks, where he agreed with Defendants that “hyperlinks are…
Any surprise that Ransomware against healthcare and manufacturing is on the rise? reported that “According to the Sophos State of Ransomware Report 2024 (, while most industries reported a decline in ransomware attacks, healthcare and manufacturing stood out as notable exceptions.” The May 30, 2024 report entitled “Ransomware against…
Debunking AI Myths with AI Visionary Aurélie Jacquet
The buzz around AI can make it difficult to discern the reality from the hype. Fortunately, some bright minds in the legal world who are way ahead of this challenge—including AI Visionary Aurélie Jacquet.
The Hype about Hyperlinked Documents: eDiscovery Best Practices
What’s the hype about hyperlinked documents? Ryan Hemmel of ProSearch discusses best practices on dealing with them in this post!
The post The Hype about Hyperlinked Documents: eDiscovery Best Practices appeared first on eDiscovery Today by Doug Austin.
Autonomy CEO Blames Blunders, Not Fraud for $11B HP Debacle: eDiscovery Trends
Former Autonomy CEO Michael Lynch is on trial on accounting fraud charges he duped HP into buying the company for $11 billion in 2011.
The post Autonomy CEO Blames Blunders, Not Fraud for $11B HP Debacle: eDiscovery Trends appeared first…
Leveraging ChatGPT and Generative AI for Intelligent eDiscovery Automation: eDiscovery Webinars
That’s a compelling title! Check out this webinar from Lexbe tomorrow to learn about leveraging ChatGPT and generative AI!
The post Leveraging ChatGPT and Generative AI for Intelligent eDiscovery Automation: eDiscovery Webinars appeared first on eDiscovery Today by Doug Austin
3 Best Practices for Successful Ediscovery Data Migration
Ready to change ediscovery providers? Migrating your data has never been easier. Follow along to learn best practices that will get you from migration to production.
Google Search Algorithm Documentation Reportedly Leaked: Technology Trends
2,500 pages of Google search algorithm documentation was reportedly leaked, providing details on how the search engine operates.
The post Google Search Algorithm Documentation Reportedly Leaked: Technology Trends appeared first on eDiscovery Today by Doug Austin.