A suit was filed last week in a California federal district court by plaintiff who is employed as a lifeguard by Los Angeles County objecting to the requirement that he raise the Progress Pride Flag at his lifeguard station during
Civil Court Must Accept Disciplinary Actions by Hierarchical Church’s Parent Body
In San Jose Korean Central Church v. Korean Evangelical Church of America, (CA App., May 29, 2024), a California state appellate court applied the ecclesiastical abstention doctrine, holding that a trial court was required to accept as binding internal…
2nd Circuit: Former Hindu Inmate’s Challenges to Mandated Treatment Program Dismissed
In Tripathy v. McKoy, (2d Cir., May 29, 2024), the U.S. 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals affirmed the dismissal of a suit brought against prison officials by a former inmate who contended that his rights were violated when he…
Louisiana Legislature Requires Posting of 10 Commandments in Every Public School and College Classroom
The Louisiana legislature this week gave final passage to HB71 (full text) which requires all public schools to display the Ten Commandments in each classroom. The bill specifies the Ten Commandments text which must be used– choosing the…
New Hampshire Divisive Concepts Law Is Void For Vagueness
In Local 8027, AFT-N.H., AFL-CIO v. Edelblut, (D NH, May 28, 2024), a New Hampshire federal district court held that statutes enacted in 2021 that ban the teaching in public schools, or by employers, or in government programs of…
Rule 11 Sanctions Against Attorneys for Filing A Frivolous Election Conspiracy Lawsuit and for Persisting in Making Frivolous Arguments in a Section 1983 Case
Two recent circuit court decisions, one from the Sixth Circuit and the other from the Fifth, are examples of the relatively few situations in which attorneys are sanctioned under Rule 11 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure.. Rule 11…
President Issues Memorial Day Prayer for Peace Proclamation
Today is Memorial Day. Last week, President Biden issued his Memorial Day 2024 Proclamation, titled A Proclamation on Prayer for Peace (full text), which says in part:This Memorial Day, we honor the brave women and men who made…
8th Circuit Reverses Dismissal of Suit for Failure to Accommodate Religious Objections to Vaccine Mandate
In Ringhofer v. Mayo Clinic, Ambulance, (8th Cir., May 24, 2024), the U.S. 8th Circuit Court of Appeals reversed a Minnesota federal district court’s dismissal of suits by Mayo Clinic employees who sought accommodations because their employer’s Covid vaccine…
May 24, 2024: Rights Responsibilities and Runoff

I have no idea if this is accurate but it seems to fitBy Andy DelaneyNo opinions issued on May 17, 2024. On Friday, May 24, SCOV issued two. First, we deal with an appeal from a parental-rights and responsibilities (PR&R) order.…
Part 4, Update and More on Criminal Appeals–NYCOA: The Wilson Uptick
In Part 1 of this series, we looked at the first 4 months of Rowan Wilson’s tenure as New York’s Chief Judge and saw a 45% increase in total appeals calendared over the corresponding period the previous year. In Part 2, we saw…