As I discussed in prior posts (here), the Senate on Monday approved a bill that will greatly expand the paid sick day law to large and small employers alike. Since it was previously approved by the House, it
As I discussed in prior posts (here), the Senate on Monday approved a bill that will greatly expand the paid sick day law to large and small employers alike. Since it was previously approved by the House, it…
If you had April 23, 2024 as the biggest day in employment law of the year on your bingo card, congratulations. You won. Hands down.
Yesterday was such a blockbuster of a day, it’s hard to wrap your head around…
Tomorrow, the EEOC is expected to publish its final regulations for the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act. They were previewed in a press release earlier this week.
Since nearly every lawfirm is producing their own summary of what are, in my…
When you’re sick with a cold, you end up having some time to read and I came across a recent study of hiring practices of about 100 of the largest companies nationwide.
Published by the National Bureau of Economic Research,…
Earlier this week, Governor Ned Lamont issued a press release supporting Senate Bill 12 which would dramatically expand the scope of the state’s current Paid Sick Leave law.
Currently, Paid Sick Leave is available to “service workers” at certain employers…
As I continue the updates on legislation that is making its way at the General Assembly, it’s time to revisit a bill that has been floated in prior years — a bill banning many non-compete agreements.
This month, I published a new article for Practicing Law Institute Chronicle entitled Neurodiversity in the Workplace.
The article builds off a post I did last November by taking a look at some of the cases that have tackled…
Last week, Law360 quoted me in an article on marital status discrimination. (They timed it for Valentine’s Day; make of that what you will.)
The gist of the article is that marital status discrimination is something for employers to…