It’s bad enough that police put on blinders when they first decide who “did it” and then direct all their energy to proving it, such that they fail to consider other evidence, other possible perpetrators. It’s even worse when they
Simple Justice
Latest from Simple Justice - Page 2
What’s In A Flag?
I had no idea what to make of Justice Sam Alito’s upside down flag, although his putting that on his wife when he lives in the house and the flag is as much his as hers, was very poor form.…
Halkides: Brandon Woodruff And The Murder Of His Parents
Ed. Note: Chris Halkides has been kind enough to try to make us lawyers smarter by dumbing down science enough that we have a small chance of understanding how it’s being used to wrongfully convict and, in some cases, execute…
Housekeeping: A Procedure
Sorry for not posting yesterday, and there will be no post today either. I had a procedure yesterday and I’m not up to writing yet. Hopefully, I’ll be back in action in a day or two.
Trump And The “Another Crime” Problem

For all the former prosecutors on the payroll at MSNBC, the one thing that goes wholly unmentioned is that the “hush money” case against Trump for falsifying business records is a misdemeanor unless it’s in furtherance of another crime.…
Good News, Bad News and Confirmation Bias
David French reflects on the Axios report that neither President Biden nor his senior advisors believe the polls that say he’s got campaign issues. After all, how could someone as worthy as Biden lose to someone as unworthy as Trump?…
Beware The Orthodoxy of Heterodoxy
A two-day “festival” was held earlier this month in the bowels of hipsterville called “Dissident Dialogues.” It had been my plan to attend for a day, and I requested an agenda so I could decide this day to attend. I…
Education, If The Union Permits
The obvious failings of public sector unionism aside, the union representing graduate students and staff at the University of California, a local of the United Auto Workers because the Teamsters were too busy that day, has authorized a strike.
Why Does Cy Vance Pander?
In 2015, Cy Vance made a decision. His office, the New York County District Attorney’s office, would not prosecute Harvey Weinstein for the sexual assault of Italian model Ambra Battilana Gutierrez, despite their being a recording of Weinstein admitting…