
2,000 COVID-19-Related Employment Lawsuits Filed in the U.S.: An Analysis of the Data and Trends

2,000 COVID-19-Related Employment Lawsuits Filed in the U.S.: An Analysis of the Data and Trends
2,000 COVID-19-Related Employment Lawsuits Filed in the U.S.: An Analysis of the Data and Trends

Is One Enough? Employee Asks U.S. Supreme Court if Single Utterance of Racial Slur Creates Hostile Work Environment
Is One Enough? Employee Asks U.S. Supreme Court if Single Utterance of Racial Slur Creates Hostile Work Environment
EEOC: Non-U.S. Citizen Employees Working Abroad May Be Excluded from OWBPA Disclosures

EEOC: Non-U.S. Citizen Employees Working Abroad May Be Excluded from OWBPA Disclosures
Employee Incapable of Complying with Valid Safety Requirements is Not a “Qualified” Individual