I’ve written extensively about the CRE CLO technology for a long time and why it is the best leverage technology across securitization markets. With the sponsor typically holding up to 20% of the bottom of the capital stack, it represents
Crunched Credit
Legal Commentary on the Commercial Real Estate Debt Markets, Economics, Politics and More.
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Funny Times
What funny times in which we live; an observation perhaps highly dependent upon your notion of fun. Maybe curious is the better description. Daunting? Frightening? Opaque and unknowable? All probably good descriptions. True of politics. True of business.
Sticking to…
The CRE CLO Repurposed: Part II
I wrote about the disconnect between our CRE CLO technology and the task at hand (finding acceptable lever in an expanding leverage desert) in my last commentary. While the CRE CLO remains the best form of match-term, non-marked-to-market finance for…
Fix the CRE CLO, Mr. Market: Tear Down This Wall!
CRE CLO technology is languishing in the toolbox. A combination of high interest rates, a mispriced legacy book, an anxious investor base and no real need to refresh capital until borrowers start borrowing again is largely responsible. When a tool…
Sometimes, It Really Is a Duck: What If Things Are About to Go Bad?
Conspiracy theory fans, tin-foil hat wearers everywhere, Nostradamus wannabes, the broadly unhinged and, of course, our professional purveyors of doom and gloom roosting on evening cable news see patterns where there are none, embrace straight-line projections based on disparate and…
Opportunities in a Time of Broken Banks
Well, it’s been an interesting week and a bit. First Silicon Valley Bank and Signature Bank were closed by their respective State banking authorities with the FDIC stepping in as receiver and then the extraordinary action by the Fed and Treasury…
The SEC As Bad Santa: The Proposed Securitization Conflict Rules
The current administration’s legislative initiatives are largely bottled up in a split Congress, so the path toward achieving the White House’s policy priorities runs almost exclusively through the executive order and rule-making process and boy, have they worked it hard. …
Birds Do It, Bees Do It, Even Educated Fleas Do It. Should The CRE Securitization Industry Advertise? [1]
If the wisdom of crowds has any validity (and there’s no real evidence that it’s any worse than the pontifical huffings of the chattering class), then there’s hope for 2023. Optimism did itself proud at CREFC. We’ll see if that…
To Hell with Predictions; I’m Embracing My Inner Fabulist This Year
Each year about this time, I sit down and try to cobble together predictions for the performance of the economy and the performance of the CRE market in the coming year. Of course, I’m wrong every time. It’s not for…