Magnifying glassGreensfelder’s Franchising & Distribution Industry Group had a busy end to 2022. In the final two months of the year, the group served as franchise counsel to multiple parties involved in large acquisitions, with all but one closing in December and the remaining transaction expected to close in the first quarter of 2023. 

In all, the deals involved 13 brands that use franchising as their primary distribution and growth model. Greensfelder served as franchise counsel to private equity firms purchasing either the franchisors themselves, or substantial interests in the franchisors, and to lenders who were financing the acquisitions of franchisors and franchisees, including the lender to a private equity firm purchasing a franchisee that operates hundreds of franchises across three brands.  Greensfelder Officers Beata Krakus and Leonard Vines were lead counsel for the franchise law aspects of the deals and worked closely with Paul Woody, Dawn Johnson, Abby Risner and Kyle Siebert, among other members of the group. 

As franchise diligence counsel, the group has worked on deals involving some of the most recognizable franchise systems in the United States. Other law firms representing buyers and lenders turn to Greensfelder’s team for assistance with franchise-related due diligence because of our high level of knowledge, experience, responsiveness and competitive Midwestern rates. 

“These types of large acquisitions illustrate the importance of the fundamentals we emphasize to franchisors: having a relationship with experienced franchise counsel, ensuring compliance with regulations, being smart with your growth, and maintaining strong relationships with your franchisee network,” Krakus said.  “These fundamentals can have a significant impact on the value of a franchised brand.

“We offer the tools and guidance that not only prepare our franchisor clients for growth in the near term but also give them the opportunity to maximize their value in the long term.”