The long-awaited, and recently leaked, news that DEA would begin the process of rescheduling marijuana from Schedule I to Schedule III became a reality yesterday when DEA issued a formal notice of proposed rulemaking. As we have said before,
The long-awaited, and recently leaked, news that DEA would begin the process of rescheduling marijuana from Schedule I to Schedule III became a reality yesterday when DEA issued a formal notice of proposed rulemaking. As we have said before,…
As reported in this Washington Post piece, “President Biden on Thursday publicly endorsed the Justice Department’s recommendation to loosen restrictions on marijuana, a long-expected measure that marks a historic shift in the nation’s drug policy.” Here is more on an…
The Marijuana Policy Project has recently released this new report titled “Cannabis Tax Revenue in States that Regulate Cannabis for Adult Use.” The report has lots of state-ny-state tax data, and here is how it gets startd: Legalizing cannabis for…
The title of this post is the heading for this terrific new resource page just posted along with other Policy and Data Analyses at the website of The Ohio State University’s Drug Enforcement and Policy Center (which I help direct).…
“Get in loser, we’re rescheduling.” – Regina George (DEA)
As we at Budding Trends reported last week, the DEA is set to finally accept the recommendation of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to reschedule marijuana…