I’ve been part of the Toronto podcasting community since early days, but my own listening is not always consistent. One of my goals for 2019 is to do more podcast listening especially in the legal, knowledge management, information management and technology areas.
What are you listening to? What are your favourites?
Here are a few of mine, to start:
Building NewLaw – probably the one I listen to the most. Natalie Worsfold and Peter Aprile, founders of Counter Tax Lawyers in Toronto, have developed this terrific format of deep discussion on law firm business transformation into a substantial must-listen show. It is the first (and possibly the only) podcast I know of that can be counted toward professional development (CPD) credit for members of Law Societies across Canada.
The Geek in Review – Many of us in the legal field are familiar with the Three Geeks and a Law Blog–essential reading! The more recent addition of The Geek in Review podcast with Greg Lambert and Marlene Gebauer for the legal information profession has been a much-needed addition to the scene.
Lawyerist Podcast – This one hasn’t been on my radar until recently, but it is quickly becoming a favourite. The discussions are broad, relaxed and interesting. Lawyerist is a platform and community for small law firm lawyers, with free as well as premium content. They won my heart by interviewing Natalie Worsfold of Counter Tax and the Building NewLaw podcast. I see they also recently interviewed Mary Juetten who I’ve been doing a bit of work with.
Thinking Like a Lawyer – hosted by Above the Law‘s Elie Mystal and Joe Patrice on the Legal Talk Network of podcasts. Includes some good discussion before getting into the interviews.
Law Technology Now – also on the Legal Talk Network, originally hosted by Monica Bay and Bob Ambrogi, this show now has a number of hosts. It has been running since at least 2007 and has included many leading thinkers I’m familiar with in this space.
Evolving KM – Another newer podcast, focussing on knowledge management and hosted by Amy Monaghan and Gwyn McAlpine. I’m glad to see ILTA has shared so much audio content. But I don’t know if they completely get the concept of podcasting, given that all of their podcasts are loaded into one feed instead of separated out with separate feeds. It seems they assume most people are going to listen to individual episodes from the website, which negates the portability of the podcast format. That being said, I enjoyed the most recent episode with Kathleen Hogan, one of my knowledge management cohort here in Toronto.
Matters: A podcast from Clio – Newest addition to the list, also hosted on the Legal Talk Network. They’ve only had a few episodes to date, but it looks promising. I’ve quietly been watching what practice management software company Clio has done over the years, and (disclaimer!) have even been a speaker at their big conference Clio Cloud Conference (ClioCon). They do a lot of things right in this field, including sharing what they know and enabling others in their community to share what they know.

I keep getting asked when I’m going to start podcasting. It’s always on my radar. And I make a great guest! Here is the last time I guested–on Karim Kanji’s Welcome! podcast, episode 145, we gave the running commentary on Toronto election night back in October 2018. It was live-streamed, and now broken up into about 4 videos as well as available in audio. If you are interested in Toronto, its culture and politics, I encourage you to check out Karim Kanji’s Welcome! podcast. He gets some amazing guests and is using this communication format to be a real city builder.
What podcasts are you listening to? (Not necessarily work-related). What do you like about them? Are there any that break away from the radio talkshow/host-and-guest interview format?