Here’s the latest in an issue we’ve been following.
In SCS Carbon Transport LLC v. Malloy, No. 20230149 (May 30, 2024), the North Dakota Supreme Court held that that’s state’s statute which allows prospective condemnors to enter land
At Damon Key, we think that firms are best judged by their people. Ours are committed, energetic and enthusiastic. We relish challenges. We temper intelligence and determination with wisdom conferred by a healthy sense of humor, a variety of experiences and a worldview that includes devotion to community and friends. Our firm attracts some of the freshest, brightest talents in law.
Here’s the latest in an issue we’ve been following.
In SCS Carbon Transport LLC v. Malloy, No. 20230149 (May 30, 2024), the North Dakota Supreme Court held that that’s state’s statute which allows prospective condemnors to enter land…
The Ninth Circuit affirmed the district court’s decision that the insured was not covered for a dispute over the salvage of a sunken ship. Great American Ins. Co. v. May, 2024 US App. LEXIS 10137 (9th Cir. April…
Before we go on, a disclosure: this is one of ours (we filed an amicus brief in support of the property owners).
In Walton v. Newkowin Regional Sanitary Authority, No. S069004 (May 23, 2024), the Oregon Supreme Court held…
Please be sure to check this out: a new animated film, “Love of the Land,” which “highlights [the] tragic story of Vermont farmer Romaine Tenney.”
You remember Mr. Tenney, who was one of those classic Vermonters.…
Please be sure to check this out: a new animated film, “Love of the Land,” which “highlights [the] tragic story of Vermont farmer Romaine Tenney.”
You remember Mr. Tenney, who was one of those classic Vermonters.…
The insurer’s motion to dismiss was more appropriate for an eventual summary judgment motion and was consequently denied. Sivan Lam v. Scottsdale Ins. Co., 2024 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 81262 (M.D. Fla. April 12, 2024).
Lam suffered…
The Eleventy Circuit reversed the district court’s finding that the insurer had properly rejected the insured’s supplemental claim. Great Lakes Ins. SE v. Concourse Plaza A Condomiium Association, Inc., 2024 U.S. App. LEXIS 8958 (11th Cir. April 15,…
Check out the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit’s opinion in Mountain Valley Pipeline, LLC v. 8.37 Acres of Land, No. 23-1532 (May 14, 2024).
The caption tells you it is a federal eminent domain case, specifically…