Behind as usual this year, I’ll try to get back on track with bi-weekly Bankruptcy Quizzes.
This week’s short quiz is all about cash collateral. Click the photo below and enjoy!
Click here for prior quizzes.
If you enjoyed this
Behind as usual this year, I’ll try to get back on track with bi-weekly Bankruptcy Quizzes.
This week’s short quiz is all about cash collateral. Click the photo below and enjoy!
Click here for prior quizzes.
If you enjoyed this…
(From Dave’s SCOTUS Stash)
Two weeks ago, I promised to get back to Bankruptcy Quizzes, but on an every other week basis. Unfortunately for my Spring Break, I had an emergency Chapter 11 filing today that had me up at…
As you know from prior posts, if I do anything well, then it’s public self-deprecation. And, thus, I’m embarrassed to admit that I wrongly attributed the In re Carter (Bankr. N.D. Ga. Dec. 13, 2023) Sub V opinion to Judge Sage…
I’m attending the annual Southeastern Bankruptcy Law Institute (SBLI) seminar in Atlanta this week. So many folks (read: maybe two people) asked me why I stopped doing the weekly bankruptcy quizzes. Worse, Prof. Ishaq Kundawala (the Southeastern Bankruptcy Law Institute…
Continuing with the monthly series, here are short summaries of December 2023’s Subchapter V bankruptcy opinions from across the country. As in the prior Sub V case posts, I’ll provide a roadmap of the issues and then you can…
(My Favorite Homemade Blog Photo: Justice Gorsuch’s Trans Am from In re Haberman with Judge Garland Looking On)
February 12, 2024 will mark Plan Proponent’s 9th Anniversary. Back in the early days, I’d be holed-up in Jessica’s parents’ basement in…
With no introduction or fanfare, here, in a single post, are short summaries of October 2023’s and November 2023’s notable Subchapter V opinions from across the country.
As in the prior Sub V case posts, I’ll provide a roadmap…
On Monday, the U.S. Supreme Court heard oral argument in the Purdue Pharma bankruptcy appeal and, as a result, we might be approaching a mid-2024 “finish line” for an issue that some bankruptcy practitioners,…
Eight years ago, in Plan Proponent’s inaugural year, I did my first and, until today, only pure Thanksgiving post (including now 13 year old Kate B’s above turkey art). For 2021 Thanksgiving, I posted Part 3 of the Judge Drake…
There were no Sub V opinions in August that I could find, so I’ll pick-up with the September opinions. And by now, you know the drill: I’ll provide, in a single post, short summaries of each month’s notable Subchapter V…