The long-awaited rule from the Federal Trade Commission regarding noncompetes was released yesterday, and it’s a doozy. The FTC “has determined that it is an unfair method of competition, and therefore a violation of Section 5 of the FTC Act,
At the Fort Lauderdale law offices of Donna M. Ballman, P.A., we provide legal representation to employees facing a variety of employment problems in Florida. We have organized and dedicated our resources to the practice of employee-side employment law. Our practice focuses on representing employees in employment law, labor law, and employment litigation.
The long-awaited rule from the Federal Trade Commission regarding noncompetes was released yesterday, and it’s a doozy. The FTC “has determined that it is an unfair method of competition, and therefore a violation of Section 5 of the FTC Act,…
I know. I know. I keep saying there’s no such thing as free speech at work. But while you workers don’t have First Amendment protection in private workplaces, private employers do. Because corporations are “people” too. The distinction: the First…
Amazon has now joined SpaceX and Trader Joe’s in asking that the National Labor Relations Board be deemed unconstitutional. With the Supreme Court in its current configuration, there’s a real possibility that they could decide NLRB should no longer exist…
Florida seems to be in a race with Texas and some other red states to see which can be the worst state for employees in the nation. Now a legislator has proposed a law (which will likely pass, because GOP…
EEOC has issued a guidance to assist workers with visual disabilities regarding their workplace rights. This guidance discusses:
I have to say this almost daily, and I’ll say it again here: general harassment at work is not illegal. Harassment because you are you is not illegal. Bullying is not illegal. However, bullies tend to pick on the weak…
In a WTAF moment I’m still trying to process, Southwest Airlines has been ordered to provide religious liberty training to its lawyers. The training is part of the remedy a judge appointed by TFG has ordered after the airline lost…
The NLRB General Counsel is taking the position that noncompete agreements in employment and severance agreements violates the National Labor Relations Act.Non-compete provisions are overbroad, that is, they reasonably tend to chill
employees in the exercise of Section 7 rights,…
The National Labor Relations Board has ruled that employees who advocate for non-employees such as applicants and interns are legally protected by the National Labor Relations Act. The NLRB Chair said, ““Standing in solidarity can be a protected act regardless…
In a total game-changer, the NLRB has ruled today that, where an employer commits unfair labor practices before a union election, the union is automatically recognized and the employer must bargain. It doesn’t appear to apply to every unfair labor practice…