Supplier Diversity programs can be a terrific way to extend your organization’s DEI principles out into your community. Supplier diversity isn’t limited to products – think of your business partners, referral partners and service providers – they can all fall into your supplier diversity strategy. Being intentional about who you spend your money with as an organization can make a big difference!
Not sure where to begin? Here are some steps to get you started:
Define what “diverse supplier” means to your organization
Owned only vs owned and operated
Include women, race, LGBTQ+, veteran, disabled, immigrant, others?
Local and/or small business included? Prioritized?
Is certification required?
Track your spend now and set baseline for future goals
Look at $ spent and % of total spend
In total and by category
Identify key areas to target for diverse suppliers
Identify goals for diverse supplier spend with timeframes ($ and/or % spend)
Develop reporting-out mechanism
Identify partners and resources to reach diverse suppliers
Regional certification organizations
Chambers of commerce
Include city Chambers as well as Chambers specifically for diverse business owners
Current business partners, especially those with supplier diversity programs
Local non-profits
Create and launch communications plan
Internal and external communications
Include purpose of program, alignment with organization’s values and story of impact being made
Communicate how to submit suggested vendors/suppliers
Develop internal group to support diverse suppliers
Identify where terms may need flexibility (such as payment terms, insurance, etc.)
Provide point of contact for support as needed
Conduct regular reviews of program
Every 6 months – what is working, what needs to be improved, big wins to share in communications, etc.
Share out to leadership along with spend and impact tracking
And please see below for our infographic on Supplier Diversity Best Practices.
Need help determining how to best develop your DEI plans and programs to deliver high-impact, measurable results? Contact us here.
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Photo by Cyntonn Photography