The FCC has announced that the current freeze on major modification to Class A television, LPTV, and TV translator stations will be partially lifted to allow applications to change channels as of August 20, 2024, subject to certain limitations.
Fletcher, Heald & Hildreth, PLC
Fletcher, Heald & Hildreth, P.L.C. is a media and telecommunications law firm, experienced in all aspects of communications law and regulation, and represents clients operating in all sectors of the media and telecommunications industry. The firm serves as counsel to broadcast stations, local and long distance telephone companies, major banking institutions, telecommunications equipment suppliers, technological start-ups, private and common carrier fixed and mobile radio spectrum users, cable television systems, wireless cable entities, satellite communications service providers, computer and Internet companies, scientific research organizations, trade associations, universities, state and local governments and corporate users of telecommunications and information technology services.
Fletcher, Heald & Hildreth, PLC Blogs
Latest from Fletcher, Heald & Hildreth, PLC
FCC Announces Exercise of the Disaster Information Reporting System (DIRS)
The FCC released a Public Notice today announcing a June 10-12 exercise of the Disaster Information Reporting System (DIRS). Communications providers, including broadcast, wireless, satellite, broadband, and wireline providers, interested in participating must register by June 3.
FTC Votes to Ban Noncompete Agreements
In late-breaking news, the Federal Trade Commission (“FTC”) has adopted a final rule banning new noncompete agreements for all workers and effectively nullifying existing agreements and requiring companies to notify most current and past employees that the company will no…
Broadcast Station Contest Rules Aren’t Just for Contestants, They Apply to the Stations, Too!
The FCC recently released a Notice of Apparent Liability (“NAL”) for a forfeiture of $8,000 that should be a cautionary tale for other broadcast licensees that conduct contests for listeners or viewers. This fine arose out of the station’s failure…
Comments on Proposed Rules for Program Originating Booster Stations Due May 16, Reply Comments Due June 17
The FCC released a Public Notice today establishing deadlines for submitting comments on its proposed rules to permit limited, voluntary program origination on FM boosters. Comments must be filed no later than May 16. Reply comments must be filed…
Comments on Proposed Rules for Program Originating Booster Stations Due May 16, Reply Comments Due June 17
The FCC released a Public Notice today establishing deadlines for submitting comments on its proposed rules to permit limited, voluntary program origination on FM boosters. Comments must be filed no later than May 16. Reply comments must be filed…
Fletcher, Heald & Hildreth Attorney Peter Tannenwald Recognized by LPTV Broadcasters Association with Gravino Lifetime Achievement Award at NAB 2024
Hyper-Local Programming Gets a Boost
On April 2, 2024, the FCC released a Report and Order (“R&O”) and Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (“FNPRM”) adopting rule changes that will allow FM booster stations to originate up to three minutes of programming per hour. Prior to…
FCC Reinstates Workplace Diversity Reporting Requirement

The FCC issued an Order last Friday reinstating the collection of workforce composition data for television and radio broadcasters, requiring broadcast licensees to file Form 395-B, which collects race, ethnicity, and gender information about the licensee’s employees, on an annual…
FHH Protects Client Rape Victim’s Privacy in U.S. Fourth Circuit
On February 21, 2024, an FHH attorney, Thomas F. Urban II, won an important victory for the firm’s client, Jane Doe, to protect her right to pursue her civil claims against her rapist without having to expose her identity. Due…