Happy 2023! I am pleased to announce that I have been inducted into the National Academy of Distinguished Neutrals (NADN) for both mediation and arbitration. I am thrilled to be invited to join such an elite group of mediators and…
Yesterday I announced my new business, which better reflects my evolving practice balance between mediation and arbitration matters. I am now practicing as an independent ADR neutral on ad hoc mediation and arbitration matters in addition to my work with…
We invite you to join us for this unique cross-over event that focuses on co-ownership and division of real property and real estate businesses from Superior, Family and Probate Court perspectives. Register here: https://buff.ly/3uZb1pQ j
I will moderate and our…
Please join me, Ian Ballon, Greenberg Traurig LLC Global IP & Technology Co-Chair and Stephanie O. Sparks, Hoge Fenton Privacy & Data Security and IP Chair for this terrific program on September 28, 2021 at noon, via Zoom.
We will…
Please join us for a timely update of new statutory and regulatory developments for retailers, landlords and cultivators involved in cannabis and hemp businesses. The program is co-sponsored by the Santa Clara County Bar Association and the International Cannabis Bar…
The Restatement 2d of Contracts, adopted in 1981, added concepts of temporary and partial impracticability and also restitution or reliance damages to ameliorate loss. While traditional application of such doctrines would lead to a finding that the contract automatically terminates,…
Please join us for a timely update program on “Residential Landlord Tenant Actions: The New Senate Bill 91, and Updates on Unlawful Detainers, Rent Relief and Rent Collection” on February 23, 2021 12-1:30 pm PST via Zoom, sponsored by the…
The COVID-19 pandemic has had a negative effect on contracts and commercial leases, preventing or slowing performance and upending the expectations of contracting parties. In many cases both parties have suffered losses. There are many pathways to settlement in these…
This profile of me appeared recently in the Daily Journal, the California statewide legal newspaper. It was an honor to read the kind words from the extraordinary counsel with whom I have worked in past mediations. A PDF copy of…
Please join us for the upcoming Santa Clara County Bar Association Zoom seminar on COVID-19 and Its Impact on Enforcement or Excuse of Contract Performance in Commercial Contracts, Construction Projects, Real Estate Development Projects and Financial Transactions on June 30,…