Was just cc’ed on an email from one of my law firm’s China software licensing lawyers to a client that licenses its software through a distributor in China. Our licensing lawyer was responding to a question about registering the software
Harris Bricken is a boutique international law firm with lawyers in Seattle, Portland, San Francisco, Barcelona and Beijing. Our focus is on small and medium sized businesses that operate internationally and on multinational companies that require specialized legal assistance.
We have lawyers licensed in China, Russia, Spain, Germany, Australia and various states in America. Our language capabilities include Chinese, French, German, Japanese, Korean, Russian, and Spanish.
Though we are small in size, we are big in reputation, both for our legal knowledge and for the relationships we establish with our clients.
Was just cc’ed on an email from one of my law firm’s China software licensing lawyers to a client that licenses its software through a distributor in China. Our licensing lawyer was responding to a question about registering the software…
China Representative Offices
With so many companies becoming reluctant to go “all in on China,” our China lawyers are seeing an increase in companies looking to just “dip their toe” into China via a Representative Office.
Unfortunately, there are inherent…
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On Wednesday, April 17, 2024 at 12:00 pacific time, Harris Sliwoski managing partner Vince Sliwoski (Portland), Harris Sliwoski partner Griffen Thorne (Los Angeles), and Andy Shelley of CannXperts will present a free webinar entitled…
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Designed for Chinese entrepreneurs, investors, and businesses looking to establish a foothold in the United States, this webinar aims to simplify the US business laws you need to know.
合伙人 Jonathan Bench 和受过中国培训律师 Emily Chen 将讨论联邦法律和州法律对建立实体企业和开展业务的重要性。我们将探讨劳动法、移民法、如何在美国筹集投资资本以及如何构建外国直接投资机会等相关复杂的问题。
Arguably one of the most surprising states to legalize recreational cannabis in the recent past is Arizona. During the tumultuous 2020 election, Proposition 207 was passed by a very considerable 20 percent margin, with more than 650,000 votes in favor…
Stop. Do not hit delete.
When a dispute might lead to litigation, it is crucial to press pause on the delete button and press save instead. In California, the duty to preserve evidence triggers when a party reasonably should know…
Cannabis businesses often use letters of intent (LOIs) to get agreed deal terms in writing before spending time and money negotiating the definitive written contract. LOIs can be a big help, especially with a complicated deal. But they are easy…
New AD/CVD Petition: 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic Acid (2,4-D)
On March 14, 2024, antidumping (AD) and countervailing duty (CVD) petitions were filed against imports of 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic Acid (2,4-D) from the People’s Republic of China and the Republic of India. The petitions were filed…
Decoding U.S. Tariff Classifications – A Comprehensive Guide
For businesses involved in international trade, effectively navigating U.S. custom regulations can lead to significant cost savings, compliance benefits, and a smoother trade process. A key component of this process is understanding…
If you missed our February 2024 “Cannabis Loans and Investments” Webinar, we have published a full recording and transcript here.
Harris Sliwoski partners Vince Sliwoski, Griffen Thorne, and Aaron Pelley focused on a constellation of important factors for both…