I remember missing the 3:30am alarm I’d set the morning of my assessment centre, running for (and missing) the bus I’d planned to take and having to call an Uber (at that time, such a novelty and extravagance I think
Kim Rust
A recent gradate of the University of Sheffield, having studied Law (with French Law) LLB for four years, including a year abroad in Aix-en-Provence. Kim Rust is currently studying as a fast-track LPC at the University of Law, Moorgate and is due to start work as a trainee solicitor for Linklaters LLP in March 2020.
Four times Ed Sheeran summed up corporate law Perfect-ly
Who knew that Ed Sheeran had such a penchant for writing about law… for better or worse, here are four times he summed up corporate law Perfect-ly.
“Every time you come around you know I can’t say no” – Bad…
A fly on the wall insight into office sharing
Five things Suits never told you about corporate law
“Is it anything like Suits?” is one of the most common questions I’m asked by more or less anyone who finds out I work for a law firm. Here are my top five things our favourite legal drama didn’t quite…
Advisory vs transactional
In the months leading up to my training contract, thoughts turned to comparing transactional and advisory seats, something which has continued to be a hot topic. Students often ask about the transactional / advisory divide in practice groups – working…
Trainee: One year on
23 March 2020 marked the first day the UK went into national lockdown #1 for COVID-19. It was also the first proper day of my training contract (“TC”). A lot of folks ask about what I’ve been doing, highlights and…
Roles in law: Barrister Q&A
Ally, thanks so much for your time to offer an insight into the work you do! The world of barristers so often seems a Hogwartseque world of bundles, silks and oration, fashioned (at least in my mind!) from media, The…
Milkround Insight: Coffee with Graduate Recruitment
September-December is the season of the year when law firms usually descend on campuses around the UK, laden with branded freebies, wielding experience and insight all in the name of networking. We’re now drawing to the close of application windows.…
Milkround: Q&A With a Trainee
It’s November! We’re knee-deep in pumpkin-spiced lattes, it’s getting dark by about 4pm, we’ve been bombarded by rain and we’ve embraced that pre-Christmas, winter-lockdown workout mentality which says “I’ll put this on at Christmas anyway, so maybe I’ll skip my…
Technology: Data and Double-Sided Platforms
Netflix recently released the social dilemma – if you haven’t seen it already, change that fact ASAP – a documentary which examines the collection and utilisation of data on social media platforms and the impact this has on users. The…