Fron a recent presentation.https://care4thecaregivers.org/courses/idea-a-legal-look/
Fron a recent presentation.https://care4thecaregivers.org/courses/idea-a-legal-look/
By Hope Kirsch, Kirsch-Goodwin & Kirsch, PLLChttps://www.yourvalley.net/paradise-valley-independent/stories/kirsch-heres-what-to-do-when-your-child-needs-help-in-school,288281If your child is struggling at all — in school work (academics), making friends, teachers complaining about behavior, almost anything that concerns you or the teachers — the school should be notifying…
From Kirsch-Goodwin & Kirsch, PLLC, Education AttorneysWhen we speak of restraints in school, we are usually referring to physical, such as being held by a staff member or mechanical, such as straps or handcuffs. Isolation is when a student…
By Kirsch-Goodwin & Kirsch, PLLC, Arizona Education Attorneys Discipline of students in Arizona public schools is covered in Arizona Revised Statutes at Title 15 (Education), Chapter 8 (School Attendance), Article 3 (Suspension and Expulsion of Pupils),…
Arizona Education LawyersThe IDEA protects students with disabilities in disciplinary proceedings that may result in long term suspension or expulsion. Suspension over 10 days in a school year requires a Manifestation Determination Review (“MDR”). A student with a…
Bullying – When Special Needs Students Are the Victims or InstigatorsBy Arizona Education Attorneys What is Bullying? Bullying is unwanted, aggressive behavior among school aged children that involves a real or…