I keep meaning to write a post about my experiences with ChatGPT-4, which I refer to as the “Twenty-First Century Delphic Oracle,” or just “the Oracle.” Those who know her well call her “Pythia” or “the Pythoness,” depending, I guess,
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A Christmas Warning
Many people — not all, of course! — are celebrating Christmas today. I don’t want to rain on your Christmas parade, but as a criminal defense lawyer, writing on a criminal defense blog, on a criminal defense website, I would…
Meeting Needs
First, I want to say that, on average, I think public defenders are better attorneys than private attorneys. There are definitely some counties I could name where that is not true. (Fresno, though, has a most-excellent Public Defender Office, and…
CSAAS: Pseudociencia & Molestación Sexual
Vayamos al grano: CSAAS, o “Child Sexual Assault Accommodation Syndrome” (en inglés), es una mierda tan pura que ni siquiera merece la etiqueta “ciencia basura”. Es la pseudociencia del acoso sexual. Es astrología disfrazada de pruebas psicológicas válidas. Sus…
Judges Judging Judges
The Daily Journal, a newspaper for the professedly-legal profession, reports that complaints about judges hit two records last year. I can’t link it, because it’s behind a paywall that even some attorneys cannot afford to pay.
Many of you know…
The Tracks We Leave
My work is hard, but at least often-enough rewarding. I work at leaving good tracks as I walk with the people who have hired me.
And every path is different. Because every person is different. The charges against them and…
Las Huellas Que Dejamos
Mi trabajo es duro, pero al menos a menudo gratificante. Trabajo para dejar buenas huellas al caminar con las personas que me han contratado. Porque las huellas que dejamos importan.
Y cada camino es diferente. Porque cada persona es diferente.…
Another Exoneration
An article I was reading yesterday mentioned that from 1989 until the time the article was written in 2018, there were more than 2,000 exonerations. Aliza B. Kaplan and Janis C. Puracal, “It’s Not a Match: Why the Law Can’t…
Deepfake Ethics
The Daily Journal is an erstwhile “newspaper” for attorneys who either have more money than G-d, or (like me) feel they have no choice but to go without necessary medications sometimes in order to pay for it.
That said, I…