A laptop and a cardboard box. These two items could be major tools in improving regular folks’ health throughout this year — and beyond — if they get launched on important tasks, pronto.
What needs to happen is for patients
Patrick Malone & Associates
We represent regular Americans and their families – people whose lives have been broken by terrible injuries and death, events that should not have happened. We seek justice for our clients in the courts against wrongdoers of all kinds: corporations, the government, hospitals, and individuals.
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Patients may need to take steps to optimize time with harried doctors
Congress races to snowy holiday exit, spending $1.7 trillion on the way out
Half of those hurt or killed in crashes used drugs or alcohol
As federal, state, and local officials seek to slash the nation’s spiking road toll of injury and death, law enforcement authorities need to crack down on the scary prevalence of motorists who get behind the wheel while intoxicated by marijuana…
High court lets stand California ban on flavored tobacco products
Californians have accomplished something that federal regulators have failed to — despite long, difficult campaigning. Voters in the biggest state in the nation not only have banned Big Tobacco from peddling its flavored products that target and exploit communities of…
In hospitals’ struggles with staffing crises, lessons on reaping and sowing
Big hospitals and hospital chains have wailed, with considerable justification, since the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic about financial damages they have suffered due to costly shortages of desperately needed health staff. But the institutions fostered this staffing crisis,…
Misdiagnoses lead to 250,000 ER patients’ deaths annually, U.S. study finds
Doctors working in hospital emergency departments face chaos, violence and high stress every day, and usually they get the diagnosis and treatment right. But, and it’s a big but, as often as one in seventeen ER visits ends with a…
A holiday health warning to take to heart about drinking
Cardiologists and other doctors have words to the wise for the aging, party-hearty-for-the-holidays crowd: Excessive boozing, as part of their seasonal merry making, puts those who partake of too much liquid cheer at heightened risk of heart problems.
The last…