I’m working on some materials for a CLE presentation entitled Remedies in Fiduciary Litigation. I’ll be giving it October 18, 2017 at the Lancaster Bar Association. Its also on the program for PBI’s Estate Law Institute in Philadelphia on
I’m working on some materials for a CLE presentation entitled Remedies in Fiduciary Litigation. I’ll be giving it October 18, 2017 at the Lancaster Bar Association. Its also on the program for PBI’s Estate Law Institute in Philadelphia on…
Estate of Powell v. Commissioner, 148 T.C. No. 18 (May 18, 2017). Hold on to your seat! This case has a huge impact on Family Limited Partnership (FLP) planning. And yes, it creates a new “doughnut hole.” For the…
If you’re spending your childrens’ money, you are probably breaking the law. Parents often overstep their authority when dealing with their children’s money as shown in this case: Werner v. Werner 2016 PA Super 2210. Mother was custodian…
The Supreme Court of Delaware, on appeal from the Court of Chancery has emphatically upheld spendthrift protection in trusts in the case of Mennen v. Fiduciary Trust International of Delaware. The Chancery Court opinion can be found here. The…
In Koons v. Commissioner Case No. 16-10646 (4/27/2017) the 11th Circuit denied the interest deduction for interest on loan to pay estate tax. Decedent’s revocable trust included a 70% interest in an LLC which had over $200 million in…
Estate of Agnew v. Ross, 152 A.3d 247 Individuals who are not named in an executed testamentary document do not have standing to bring a legal malpractice actions against testator’s attorney, as purported third-party beneficiaries. In November 2003, the…
According to the American Bar Association Commission on Law and Aging, too many criminal justice professionals lack awareness in the role they can play in holding offenders accountable. An agent who violates the duty owed to the principal may have…