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As you know, has remained a neutral site since its inception in 2007. We strive to report the facts and respond to our readers about issues that concern our youth. However, the time has come to speak out about

If you are reading this post, you’re old enough to understand our message. We have written often about the latest challenge facing our youth. Do you remember the cinnamon challenge, or the duct tape challenge? Both foolish and to some,

France created a new court in January, 2021 to prosecute online crimes following the criminalization of cyberbullying in 2018. It wasn’t long before they presided over a trial of thirteen  persons ages 18 to 30 in Paris in June, 2021.

We at have decided to break with tradition and our apolitical policy since 2007 by greeting a new day for America. Today, November 7, 2020, the presidential election has resulted in former Vice-President Joe Biden becoming the country’s president-elect.

A new book published by the American Bar Association in 2020 covers the subject of cyberbullying at home, school, in the community and workplace. Titled “Cyberbullying Law,” Judge Tom has collected over two hundred state and federal court cases over