Products / Microsites

Shine a light on your practice group with a LexBlog Microsite

LexBlog’s Microsites are sleek, mobile-friendly publications that provide subject matter area focus while simultaneously expanding your law firm’s digital strategy. Microsites usually include a blog and put a spotlight on specific practice groups within large law firms. Use microsites to host news, FAQs, testimonials, blog posts and attorney bios related to your practice niche. And, the tech is completely managed by LexBlog, so there are no IT resources required by your firm.

Winstead’s microsite, Winstead Airlines Team
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An easy-to-navigate, centralized location for all your practice group content.

Microsites are a one-stop shop for all things related to a particular focus on a practice area, industry, an event or even a special project. Clients and prospects won’t need to dig far to find your most useful content. You bring the words and LexBlog will supply the rest.

Get set up for success from the very beginning.

Starting with a one-hour content strategy consultation and finishing with a session on design strategy, you’ll have plenty of guidance to ensure your site has the right look and tone for your intended audience.

Enjoy the many perks of being built on the LexBlog Publishing Platform

Microsites cost less than custom websites, as they are built directly on the LexBlog Publishing Platform and designed around it. This keeps the cost lower, enables you to launch faster and allows you to receive continual updates and high level of support.

Join the LexBlog Community
Winstead’s microsite, Winstead Special Districts
Extend the reach of your law practice
Search Engine
responsive design
Google Analytics
handles everything
Email, phone
and online support

“Our approach was to have a razor-sharp target approach for our current clients and our potential clients. The people who hire us are really smart and really busy. When they are hiring us, they’re making a huge purchase decision. So, we wanted to move away from depending on our website because it’s like a big giant boat that stays still in the water.

We’re really starting to view their content as a valuable asset. We want to take it and put it in front of people who really care about it.

It’s worked—the microsites and blogs have built communities around those topics. What happens often is that the writers connect and build relationships within the content community. So it benefits the target audience as well as the attorneys, who build those trusted relationships."

—Rachel Guy, director of marketing for Winstead PC

Contact us to learn more about our Microsites product.

Dan Mintz
Sales & Business Development
P: (425) 444-7473