2/7 publishes an interesting opinion today on appealability here:This case presents an unusual set of circumstances. We first address the appealability of the parties’ stipulated judgment and conclude that, while we have serious reservations about its appealability, we are
Benjamin G. Shatz
* California State Bar Certified Appellate Law Specialist
* Fellow of the American Academy of Appellate Lawyers
* Member of the California Academy of Appellate Lawyers
* Ranked by Chambers USA for California Appellate Litigation
* Named in Best Lawyers in America for appellate practice
* Editor-in-Chief, California Litigation journal
* Trustee At-Large, L.A. County Bar Assn.
* Ninth Circuit Advisory Committee on Rules & Internal Operating Procedures (2017–20)
* Chair, LACBA State Appellate Judicial Evaluation Committee (2013–19)
* Chair, Cal. State Bar Committee on Appellate Courts (2010–11)
* Cal. Lawyers Assn., Litigation Section ExCom Advisor (2013—)
* Chair, LACBA Appellate Courts Committee (2009–11)
* Expert witness in appellate and anti-SLAPP fees matters
Benjamin G. Shatz Blogs
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Latest from Benjamin G. Shatz
Biden reaches 200
Bloomberg Law has Biden Reaches 200-Judge Mark as Time Wanes to Fill Circuit Seats
- The Senate confirmed Joe Biden’s 200th judicial nominee, putting Biden slightly ahead of his predecessor’s record at this point in their respective presidencies but still
Circuit font roundup
The Advocacy Blog has posted A Font by Any Other Name Does Not Read the Same which notes:The First and Fourth Circuits issue opinions in Courier. The Second and Seventh Circuits utilize Palatino. The Fifth Circuit favors Century Schoolbook, as…
4th Dist. job openings
The Fourth District, Division Three in Santa Ana is recruiting for an Assistant Deputy Clerk II-III. The job posting can be found on court’s career website under Job ID 6238. The application deadline is June 10, 2024.The Fourth District, Division…
Circuit argument stats
Law.com has Which Federal Appeals Courts Grant Oral Argument the Most and Least Often?
- D.C., Second and Seventh circuits held oral argument in a higher percentage of appeals than other circuits from 2022 to 2023.
- Third, Fourth, Sixth and Eleventh
DJ profiles PJ Earl: "We've righted the ship."
Today’s DJ has Presiding Justice Laurie Earl has transformed the 3rd District Court of Appeal — She was also instrumental in leading Sacramento Superior Court through the COVID-19 pandemic and a budget crisis. (Prior DJ profiles ran 9/5/2016 and 2/27/2007.)Earl…
SF Courtroom closure
The 1st District has issued notice that the courtroom will be closed from June 17 to July 20, 2024 and all oral arguments during that time will be conducted remotely.
MPB on 70th Ann. of Brown v. Board

The Marble Palace Blog: AI Meets ‘Brown v. Board’Friday marks the 70th anniversary of the landmark Supreme Court decision “Brown v. Board of Education.” To celebrate the day, AI groups have gathered to bring new life to learning about…
AB2125 downgraded to 'study' bill
The Recorder has Legislation to Allow Disqualification of Appellate Judges Weakened to ‘Study’ BillState lawmakers on Thursday gutted a bill that would have allowed litigants to disqualify courts of appeal justices, thwarting advocates unhappy with a panel’s actions in…