The battle goes on with aging parents who are living alone or without family nearby and their adult children. From the kids’ point of view, their parent is just not safe in that big house anymore, with the declines that
The battle goes on with aging parents who are living alone or without family nearby and their adult children. From the kids’ point of view, their parent is just not safe in that big house anymore, with the declines that…
Have you ever heard the term “undue influence”? Most people don’t really understand what it means. Is it just some weird legal thing? Or should you understand it? When it comes to seniors and financial abuse, the term becomes very…
Few things symbolize our independence like driving a car when and where we want to. For aging parents, there is nearly always an end to that independence at some point. But when do they reach that point? Often, aging parents’…
Dr. Peter Attia, MD, has written an excellent book on how to keep ourselves from getting common chronic illnesses with aging. It’s Outlive: The Science & Art of Longevity, which offers a clear strategy to avoid these illnesses. He refers…
For a long time, we were entitled to only an annual credit report from the three reporting agencies: EquifaxEFX, Experian and TransUnion. Now you can get a report weekly and for free. When you get a parent’s credit report, you…
American families are often scattered across the country. Kids grow up, find
opportunities they like in other places and move away. The parents may stay
put, happy to remain where they’ve lived most of their lives. Then aging
happens. And…
She was a heavy smoking, alcoholic, obese woman who reached her first breaking point 40 years ago. After DeEtte Sauer’s friend drank himself to death, she woke up to her own alcohol dependency. She resolved to stop drinking, joined Alcoholics…
The FDA has approved various medications in hopes of providing anything that can truly change the course of Alzheimer’s disease. But medications have failed to do so. No medication so far stops the disease nor cures it. One consistent finding…
This is the hottest summer ever, news reports tell us. We stay inside, we use air conditioning, we hydrate well. But some aging parents who live alone or with only part time help at home are at particular risk. It’s…